10 for October via VivaCarlos

1. What discipline do you ride? What would you ride if you could pick any other one?

A bit of everything :) Mostly I want to improve my communication/horsemanship skills, regardless of whether I'm in the sandbox, on a trail, or jumping sticks :)

2. How many horses have you ridden in your entire riding career?

Oh wow, when I first read this question, I was like - hmmm...not that many, but then I started to write them down....what a trip LOL - at least 25 that I can remember....

Sassy: chestnut Quarter horse for bareback leadlines
Velvet: Solid black mare that I would watch for hours (sucker for the blacks from the start! LOL)

Always this on the inside when riding horses :)

Chip - Pinto shetland pony who I pushed my sister off of into the mud hole when he started to "buck" in an effort to save her (that de-railed her riding career)
Stormin' Norman - Big liver chestnut I used to ride double with the boy next door <3
Dapple gray pony whose name I can't remember, also rode doubles ;)

Goldie - buckskin Paint, an absolute <3 horse
Dee - racing line Quarter mare who wanted to be your friend but had no body coordination (or brains - sorry, girlfriend)

Thorn - Loved this liver chestnut 16hh+ gelding who I went on a magical foggy trail ride with and braved abandoned chairs and dairy cow stampedes
Patches - We did barrel racing donuts in the arena
Cocoa: gorgeous chocolate palomino yearling filly that I got to play with/take for walks

Polo Ponies:
Latte - crotchety old flea bitten grey who always pulled back and broke her ties
Cocoa: the little spunky mare I LOVED who had an early retirement after stepping on a nail
Sugarfoot - the half-draft who was like turning a school bus
Chocolate - the polo pony we brought home, worth her weight in gold
Sabrina - a tiny mare with ALOT of personality
Calvin - I had my first "english" lesson on him
Abra - 17hh gelding who was basically like racing Bowser in Mario Cart ;)

Comet: A 22yr old schoolmaster who was a great dressage teacher! (posts here and here!)
Levi the palomino comfy couch

"China" - Quarter Horse Mare I "test-drove" when horse shopping. Hottest tamale I've ever ridden, super stoic personality - I liked her, but she was juuust out of my price range...

Here she is now:

This black AQHA mare, who looked just like black beauty - when I test rode her, I couldn't get her to canter she was so dead to the aids - she got picked up and flipped, then sold as a kids horse, then I saw an ad for her in Colorado that she had been in mountain pasture for 2x years......yikes...

and of course, the stars of our show:

Porsche and Tesla

3. Most bizarre activity you’ve done with your/a horse?

Desensitizing to swinging in hammocks - (actually the Trail boss did it LOL)

4. Do you consider riding to be your outlet? If yes, why?

Yes! Even if I am having a crappy day, I always feel better after being at the barn.

5. Have you ever read horse-related magazines? If yes, which one(s)?

Not really, my sister got me a subscription to Dressage Today (but honestly it was 75% ads...)

6. Most memorable advice given to you?

Is that your trot?!? - Jute Schott, trainer

7. Did you ever collect Breyer horse models or similar?

LOL - yes I had a few, but mostly this same one over and over, cause I kept accidentally breaking it's tail or leg o_O

8. Favorite “celebrity” horse?

     Cass Ole - he played The Black in The Black Stallion

9. If you could spend a day learning from any horse person (past or present), who would you choose?

  Shoot just one? It's a 3-way tie between Ingrid Klimke, Ute Graf, and, Egon von Neindorff

10. If you could ride in any international arena in the world, where would you choose?

   The Spanish Riding School in Vienna
