You can do it!

I'm your biggest Cheerleader, Tess!


  1. Yes! Last night we were out to dinner with friends. Next week I leave for a vacation and I won't have access to internet. Ed will be looking after the horse and I have been working on managing my worry. Not that he won't do a good job but what if he needs me and can't get me?

    My friends were being locical about it and I finally said 'yes I know all that. The problem is that worry doesn't believe in logic. Same is true with horses. it's more about support then it is about convincing them. :)

    Ha- just realized my comment is longer than your post- sorry about that!

  2. I LOVE this! My instructor just started changing my thought process to this and I haven't really even realized it but it does make me have more compassion for her struggle and want to help her. It's made a huge impression on me so I'm glad that you shared this.


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