Clinic Recap: Part I

Dover halter model <3

Tesla came out of the trailer snorting and blowing, excited by all the activity and new surroundings.(and the little palomino pony prancing along the fence line)

I put our groundwork to good use, and made her do all her tricks until she was focused on me.  She settled right down, so I tacked her up and walked her over to the rings.

As we walked over when it was our turn, Jutta asked me, 'Can you communicate with this horse?"and I laughed, "This is absolutely my horse."

 and I could feel that resonate throughout the lesson: I can see a huge difference in how much Tesla and I can have a conversation, and that her sensitive nature lends itself to communication: she is an open book, everything is written on her sleeve!

Tesla had one looky moment (a huge umbrella flapped suddenly in the wind) but I said it was OK, and she calmed right down and went right back to work.



  1. Your relationship is #squadgoals - forget Swifty's squad I would love to cultivate a bond like yours and Tesla's. However so far I have been attracted to rather self-assured animals that don't necessarily listen to my reassurance lolz

    1. LoL - this is new to me too! All the other horses in my life have been very confident and all about the job.

  2. aw that's awesome - so great to feel that partnership and bond!


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