One of these days these boots are gonna.....


Those boots are an actual portrait of Porsche right now.  She is challenging everyone in sight, refusing to let the Trail Boss catch her, trying to start fights with Tesla across the fence , and she even tried to charge me coming out of the barn today (oh you better believe we had a discussion about it, where I politely but firmly reminded her that social distancing was still in effect, and she was not allowed to leave the barn until she was calm and showed some R-E-S-P-E-C-T - as per Aretha Franklin <3). I have never seen her act like this ever: she is this really biazrre mix of needy-clingy, and yet challenging she's 17 or something (LOL).

The only thing that changed recently in her routine is the addition of a Timothy-Alfalfa hay pellet (1 scoop, and both of these things she has had previously with no issues), and a Gut-X supplement (she was getting a pump AM/PM, but has since weaned to 1 pump per day: I didn't notice a huge attitude shift with her at the start: just that her appetite picked up, and she put on some weight). Maybe she is feeling really good? Good enough to try and rule the world? This also doesn't quite seem like her....she has been fat and happy on pasture turn-out before, and I never saw this kind of attitude shift...might be worth cutting back on both to see how she goes....

Maybe she is having a rough transition to cycling? Also not typical for her - she generally is a flirt, and that's how I know she is in season, but typically she doesn't turn into a fire-breathing dragon...I might try a mare-specific supplement, and see if that doesn't help...

I'm not seeing anything that would be an obvious pain issue: both girls are healing up nicely from the altercation: I haven't noticed any lameness/stiffness or anything that would raise a red-flag in my mind...

Maybe a jealously issue? That's possible...I never worked them together (or even where they could see each other)  at previous places cause there wasn't an intact perimeter fence...I had thought that the ponying, etc. would help, but maybe I've just been stirring up the green-eyed monster? It's gonna be hard to change that: there really isn't options off-site ATM....

This is the first place she has really been "alone" with Tesla: at all the other previous boarding situations there were other horses on or next to the property she could interact with: no other horse pastures are next to theirs currently...maybe she and Tess are frenemies now?

On the other hand, Tesla has been FAB! Way more "settled" and calm and curious: she is responding so well to the clicker training!

It's like Porsche and Tesla have switched bodies, honestly, maybe I need to repeat "In Canis EQUUS Corpore Transmuto" a few times.... :)




  1. If you don't pinpoint anything, you may want to test for Lyme. It can make them act really out of character. Hopefully she's just having particularly sassy heat cycle and it will pass soon!

  2. It sounds like someone's hormones might be a bit high. Carmen needs reminders of her manners- she can get quite dominant.


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