Rambo Plus Fly Mask

Tesla's old flymask was rubbing in odd places, and making her eyes water - so I bit the bullet and ordered her the "spaceship" one:

I did like that this one kept way off her eyes and the ears were long enough that it wasn't rubbing the tips of those either...but, the extra weight of the eye brim caused the mask to flop, and Tesla ended up with rubs behind her ears and under her chin. I'm pretty sure it is because her head is in-between sizes: I couldn't tighten it enough on her: so I have one up for grabs in a full if anyone would like to try it!


  1. I have that one too. Irish would get it off every time he rolled. I now have the Shires one with the fringe and I love it

  2. Interestingly enough, this is the ONLY one that I can keep on Batts. Last summer, suddenly every single fly mask (even the SuperMasks) started falling off him either when he rolled or, worse, when he'd shake his head. But the Rambo? Nope, that thing does NOT come off. I love it. But, even with his large head, he needs a cob size. So, the sizing is weird. So there is that...


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