Behind the Stall Door with: More Secrets

Today we're headed behind the stall door of the small but sporty OTTB, More Secrets. This little powerhouse ran a total of 12 times, but her best placing was only 4th.

Struttin' her stuff with the shadow roll ;)

After her less than illustrious racing career, More Secrets was whisked off the track by a Racehorse re-homing group: CANTER CA. She was re-named Beauty, and was everyone's favourite.

(Bit chomping apparent even way back then LOL)

She spent a year with an adult ammy, with a name change again, this time to Secrets, before coming up for a tearful sale as the owner was changing disciplines to endurance.

More Secrets even had her own website

And that's where current owner/rider M comes into the picture. "I had been looking at horses for a few months", says M "and More Secrets was on the short list".  M decided to take a chance and go test ride her, even though she was a bit out of her price range.  "We just clicked right way: I liked that she was forward, and she liked that I was quiet: she did one little spook in place during the test ride as a flock of quail took to flight, the owner thought for sure I'd pass on her, and I was like, the best kind of spook :)" The owner could see the connection and worked with M on the price.  "I knew I was getting her by Christmas, and we picked her up the first week in January." Her pocket-size and big engine made a new barn name easy, "Porsche". "Years later I found out that the previous owner's Mom had always laughed that she rode Porsches - so it was really always her name". M smiled. 

We asked M to sum up Porsche in one word.

"That's easy", she said, "GAME. This mare is always game to try something new."

Game for Belly Rubs!

Game for group trail rides!

Game for Moonlit rides!

Game for time in the Sandbox!

Game XCing!

Game to Explore Solo!

Game on Trails!

Game Hopping Sticks!

Game Aside!

Game to pack around little kiddos in inclement weather!

Game to pack around the Trail Boss ;)

"I've been really blessed to have this mare" asserts M "She is just so brave and so much fun, I can't wait to see what we will try in the future...I'm thinking the Porsche would be pretty sporty pulling a cart.... :)".
