Ditch the Donuts for Vienna

With the driving lesson under our belt, and a few tack suggestions: namely to ditch the donut side reins, and go for vienna/lauffer reins instead to help Tess release through her lower back, and find some driving reins. I hit up a local tack swap - but alas, only pony driving reins were to be found, but the nice gal coordinating it took me over to the arena and showed me her driving rein hack:

Dura-Tech Cushion Longe Line

Just put a carabiner thru the hand loop, and you have 15ft. driving reins. I happened to have a coupon at Schneiders so presto, ordered!

Someone was tuckered out from all her hard work yesterday: 

Also, a fresh pile of shavings is soooooo comfy - she just couldn't get out of bed ;)
