Tack review: Featherflex by Classic Equine Dressage Girth

So, after my lesson with Trainer S. (every muscle was sore in all the right places!) I realized I needed to get Porsche into a Dressage saddle so I could be more effective with my aids/position, and practice what we had learned.  I had the Sommer just hanging out at my place, all I needed was a smaller girth and a half-pad to make it a passable fit for Porsche. I checked out my fav online spot: yoursaddles.com but Pat only had a high end midget sized girth...so I rung up the nearest used tack store - and whatdya know, they had a 20in. Featherflex girth basically new for cheap.

You can also get them at Riding Warehouse :D

  • Cashel’s featherflex girths are well known as one of the best non-leather girths on the market
  • Featherflex girth’s patented six-layer system eliminates twisting and girth discomfort
  • Extra soft non-chafing, non-galling virgin neoprene is self lubricating, flexible and reduces girth itch
  • Virgin neoprene is anti-microbial and anti-fungal
  • Elastic and Stainless steel roller buckles on both ends 

A quick online search looked favorable, and this particular place offers returns, so I drove over and nabbed it!

What I like about this girth so far:

It stays put!

It's easy to wipe clean.

Porsche goes well in it - so she must like it too!

I really like that you can completely tuck the billets all the way in!

Wooly beast model

Although there is some secondary reinforcement under the buckles - I can see this is were the wear will show - too bad they didn't extend the reinforcement just a 1/2in or so...

3.5 outta 5 stars. Gets the job done. Great to have as a spare if/when horse changes shape or you are bouncing saddles between horses :)
