Initial review: Back on Track Quarter Sheet

The girls got a Christmas present to share this year, a Back on Track Quarter Sheet.  I bought a Nylon 78 and found it second-hand in like-new condition for $50 less than retail and free shipping. (Shopper level: Expert).  I had been thinking about this for a while, since I noticed that Tesla seems to go very well in the big thick western pad...and that maybe the snuggly feeling made her feel more secure...

My thoughts so far:

This sheet is made to last - the construction is solid.

I LOVE the little reflective strips, and that they can be removed for washing.

I tested it out with Tesla first. She had never had a quarter sheet on before, so we had a few moments of OMG what is flapping on me!! but after a few laps she was working happily in it. I did notice that she was tracking up beautifully right away while wearing it. 

good training for this too ;) (link)
