Changing it up a bit....

Porsche has always been a bit of a bit chomper. I've tried her in single jointed bits, copper roller D-rings, a boucher, and what she went best in was the KK french link she is in now...but even then there is some chomping.

super offensive 18mm KK ultra

Her teeth are good, she is happy to come out and work (so I don't suspect ulcers) but I did have one of the potential leasers mention if I tried a non-metal bit in I did a bit of research ;)

Right off the bat, most of the rubber ones are super thick (like 20mm!) and I know that won't work cause I had an 18in. KK ultra and she HATED it with a passion.

I've seen a few happy mouth bits at the barn, and am not crazy about how sharp they get - my only other option was to try a Sprenger Duo (but dropping $80 on something she might hate did not feel like a win...)

So I dug around more, and stumbled across this video from Eliza Wallace:

and she mentioned wrapping the bit in a rubber bandage - which I didn't even know was a thing!


So, for $8.95 - I'm trying an experiment to see if Porsche will like the stability and softness of her rubber wrapped KK better....and if that fixes the problem, great - but if not, I'll have a better idea of what might ;)


  1. I've seen wrapped bits before, but never tried one. I have been thinking of getting a leather bit to try.

    1. The leather bits are interesting!! Love to hear how it goes :D

  2. This is perfect for me! I just got a rubber mullen and Murray basically wants to gag it out of his mouth. I want something rubber but not super thick also -- so time to DIY I guess! I wonder how legal this will be for showing, though...


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