Typical routine

This was making the blog rounds a few weeks back, 
I finally got around to writing down what my routine looks like ;)

Arrive at Barn ~ 6pm.

Walk down to paddock and get Porsche and grain pan: 6-6:05
Remove blanket, thoroughly pick out hooves, Apply Keratex Hoof Hardener: 6:05-6:10
Grooming / Chatting with barn friends: 6:10-6:25
French Braid Porsche's mane cause it's uber long and I don't have the heart to chop it: 6:25-6:30
Put on Easyboot gloves and reflective boots and tack up: 6:30-6:40
Switch to riding boots/half-chaps: 6:40-6:45
Grab gear (i.e. headlamp, helmet, horse) and walk up to arena: 6:45-7:00
Warm-up under saddle at the walk, both directions: 7:00-7:10
Light trot/canter in large loops 7:10-7:15
Stretchy walk break 7:15-7:20
Trot circles/figures/gymnastics: 7:20-7:25
Stretchy walk break: 7:25-7:30
Canter circles/figures 7:30-7:35
Stretchy walk break/cool down 7:35-7:45
Pick up dropping from arena if needed: 7:45-7:50
Walk down to barn: 7:50-7:55
Untack/pick feet: 7:55-8:00
Grooming/belly rubs/re-blanket & walk down to paddock: 8:00-8:05

Rinse/Repeat with Tesla:

Walk down to paddock and get Tesla and grain pan: 8:05-8:10
Remove blanket, thoroughly pick out hooves: 8:10-8:15
Grooming / Chatting with barn friends barn friends have usually left by now LOL: 8:15-8:30
Put on reflective boots, tack up, Grab gear (i.e. headlamp, helmet, horse) and walk up to arena: 8:30-8:35
Warm-up longe at the walk, light canter both directions: 8:35-8:45
Stretchy walk under saddle 8:45-8:50
Circles/figures/gymnastics: 8:50-8:55
Stretchy walk break/cool down 8:55-9:00
Pick up dropping from arena if needed: 9:00-9:05
Walk down to barn: 9:05-9:10
Untack/pick feet: 9:10-9:15
Grooming/wither scratches/re-blanket: 9:15-9:25
Mix Grain + supplements: 9:25-9:30
Put on blanket (if dry) and walk down to paddock: 9:30-9:35

I'm driving out ~9:35 - whew!


  1. I can't imagine being at the barn until after 9! Of course, since my husband's alarm goes off at 4 am usually I'm in bed at 9 😂


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