Good Girl

Yes, I know I am a good girl.

The last three rides on Tess have been fantastic!

She has been happy and willing and listening - she was even super chill when another horse was galloping and jumping right under her nose. I've been making a huge fuss over her when we finish (hugs, sugar, the works) and she has been eating it up with a spoon. Something in her brain has finally clicked!

I unexpectedly bumped into Trainer J (who was at the barn late) - and commented that Tesla looked amazing (I think so too - but I'm a wee bit biased, lol)

Lesson scheduled for crack of dawn on Saturday.

I can't wait!

(almost perfect ;)


  1. Oh man. i want that shirt. But not in yellow.

    1. It comes in grey too!

  2. That's a great shirt. I'm pleased that it's going well!


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