Gearing up!

So my trainer has this magic western saddle that fits both Tesla and I like a glove.

It's a Hereford Balance Ride with a Foreman tree.

These saddle are nigh impossible to find ...(I've been looking since last year, when I tried hers in the above photo!) 

and last week, I stumbled on one:

in just the size I needed, in my price range and in pristine condition!

And after quite a bit of convincing the seller that I was legit, and not a scammer, she agreed to ship it to me :D I can't wait to see it in person!

Gearing up for some new adventures with Tesla, and looking forward to mixing it up with our cowgirl roots! (maybe a little western dressage...wink wink)


  1. Woohoo what a fantastic find, wishing you well wear when it arrives 😆😆😆😆

    1. I'm excited! She goes really well in it, and it can be hard to fit those TB withers :D


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