The weather cleared a bit yesterday, so I braved my way out to the barn.
Tesla was slightly damp under her blanket (note to self: probably needs to be re-rainproofed!)
I think she likes coming in out of the rain, cause she is a Princess Pegasus in all reality, and would like fluffy clouds to frolic in, 24-7 cuddles, snacks and adoring audiences.
Once a Princess Pegasus, Always a Princess Pegasus |
The arena was empty and quiet, so we did some quiet work, all at the walk:
Spiral ins (to the Left and Right), and the ice cream cones (top row, third from the right) playing with the amount of inside leg and outside rein.
horse&rider link here |
We wove throughout all the jumps and did and turns across the circle:
All the while thinking "Yin & Yangs" |
and surprisingly, I wasn't riding a Llama!
Wait, Tesla, that isn't you?? |
I'm making an effort to shorten my reins, keep my elbows bent and hands up!
and I've noticed a huge difference in how she is more accepting of the bit and contact, and is much more relaxed throughout her body.
omg that baby picture tho!
ReplyDeleteAll Legs ;)
Deleteaww cute baby pic
ReplyDeleteIt's always fun to see how much they are the same even when so itty bitty :D